(02634) 278611

Enter your complaint and your contact information, then click Submit to lodge your complaint (Fields marked with '*' are mandatory). Complaints are auto assigned to the concern based on Complaint Category, Complaint Code and Zone. Hence please select them properly. (કમ્પલેઇન કેટેગરી, કમ્પલેઇન કોડ અને ઝોનના આધારે કમ્પલેઇન ઓટો એસાઇન થાય છે તેથી તેમનું યોગ્ય સીલેકશન કરશો.)

Please provide your complaint and personal details

Complaint details

If applicable pl. specify location pertaining to complaint. (ફરિયાદના સ્થળની વિગત) You can provide text upto 500 characters, system will automatically truncate further inputs.
Enter detail if any, about the complaint.(ફરિયાદનું વિવરણ) You can provide text upto 500 characters, system will automatically truncate further inputs.

Personal Details

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